This presentation was delivered last week (14.10.2016) during the LightSymposium 2016 in Wismar, Germany. I tried to provide an insight into the complicated neuroendocrine mechanisms which are mainly controlled by light. Again, it started with a short introduction explaining the (chemical) evolution on planet earth. The three main chapters concern biochemical, anatomical and functional photoendocrinology in animal and man, based on the fundamental work of Prof. Fritz Hollwich. The end of the presentation challenges the contemporary concept of „Human Centric Lighting“.
I have just discovered that this amazing book from Prof. Fritz Hollwich can be downloaded from Springer Link as a pdf at a very reasonable price ($69.99) compared to the softcover reprint (e. g. Amazon, 93.08 €) and original hardcover edition (e. g. Amazon, 551.70 € and more…).
From the preface:
„This book was written to show that light is a primal element of life. All life originates and develops under the influence of the light of the sun, that „super terrestrial natural force“ (Goethe).“
„Sunlight influences the vital processes not only of the plant (e. g. , heliotropism, photosynthesis) and the animal (e. g. , color change, maturation of the gonads) but of man as well. The human organism too reacts „heliotropically,“ as the 24 hour rhythm of the sleep-waking cycle demonstrates.“
„Artists have always perceived clearly the intensive stimulatory effect sunlight on their activity.“
„One is reminded here of Cesare Lombroso, who wrote to his daughter „that thoughts come in the greatest profusion when (my) room is flooded with the sun’s rays.“ Richard Wagner exclaimed: „If only the sun would come out, I would have the score finished in no time.“ Bernard Shaw had a little cottage where he worked that could be turned according to the position of the sun. The composer Humperdinck wrote: „The sun is indispensable for my work; that is why it is important for me to have my study face east or south.“ As these few examples indicate, it is above all those active in the arts who intuitively grasp the positive influence of sunlight on the psycho-physical efficiency of their organism.“
„In an age, however, when fluorescent lighting turns night into day, we are in danger of forgetting that man is a creature of nature as well as of culture.“
„Artificial light cannot replace natural daylight.“
ISSUU – Architectural SSL – May 2014 by Construction Business Media.
See pages 14 – 18 for more information on blue light, LED and potential ocular hazards.
AT5 – Alexander Wunsch – The Oscillatory Body: Human Physiology and Electromagnetism on Vimeo on Vimeo
Alexander Wunsch is physician, inventor, researcher and teacher in the field of holistic medicine and photobiology. In his private medical practice in Heidelberg, he uses the Spectro-Chrome chromotherapy system in combination with electromagnetic fields and body sound application, Cranio-Sacral bodywork, Acupunture and Luscher Color Diagnostic. His research focuses on light effects on cellular level, photoendocrinology and toxic light effects caused by artificil light sources. He developed a number of devices for electromagnetic medicine, chromotherapy and electromagnetic environment testing. Alexander Wunsch holds a lectureship for “Light & Health” at the University of Technology, Business and Design in Wismar (Germany) and is the CEO of Medical Light Consulting in Heidelberg.
via AT5 – Alexander Wunsch – The Oscillatory Body: Human Physiology and Electromagnetism on Vimeo.
Living Light: Self powered lamps that grow herbs for cooking » Food Oddity.
I am wondering if the spectral properties of the OLED panels are pleasant to the human eye…
Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado, have shown how electron–hole exchange interactions in quantum dots depend on the size of the semiconductor material that the dots are made of. The result not only sheds light on the origin of such interactions but also suggests that the optical properties of nanoparticles might be manipulated by simply changing their size as well as their composition.
viaUnderstanding nanoscale light emission – optics.org.