31 Juli
drk_20090729_0909_693732b2.mp3 (audio/mpeg-Objekt)
Author: wunschartInterview mit Prof. Heinrich Kramer im Deutschlandradio im mp3-Format:
„Plädoyer für die Glühlampe“
31 Juli
Interview mit Prof. Heinrich Kramer im Deutschlandradio im mp3-Format:
„Plädoyer für die Glühlampe“
30 Juli
BALTIMORE, Md., July 28, 2009 – Nearly all species have some ability to detect light. At least three types of cells in the retina allow us to see images or distinguish between night and day. Now, researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have discovered in fish yet another type of cell that can sense light and contribute to vision.
viaEye-Catching Vision Discovery (photonics.com | Jul 2009 | News and Features).
Filed under: english
30 Juli
Wenn in zwei Monaten europaweit die Glühlampen aus den Geschäften verschwinden, ist das eine gute Nachricht für das Klima und die Wirtschaft. Sagen die einen.
Die anderen prophezeien Giftmüllprobleme, Sonderschichten für Psychiater und eine völlig neue Art, die Welt zu sehen.
Höchste Zeit, die Angelegenheit einmal näher zu beleuchten.
30 Juli
Immer mehr Experten wenden sich gegen das Glühlampen-Verkaufsverbot Umwelt, Gesundheit, das Klima retten – wer will das nicht, aber manchmal fällt es ein bisschen schwer.
29 Juli
The human body literally glimmers. The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes. Ultraweak photon emission is known as the energy released as light through the changes in energy metabolism. We successfully imaged the diurnal change of this ultraweak photon emission with an improved highly sensitive imaging system using cryogenic charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. We found that the human body directly and rhythmically emits light. The diurnal changes in photon emission might be linked to changes in energy metabolism.
PLoS ONE: Imaging of Ultraweak Spontaneous Photon Emission from Human Body Displaying Diurnal Rhythm.
Filed under: allgemein
29 Juli
It goes through walls, but slows to a standstill in ultra-cold gases. It carries electronic information for radios and TVs, but destroys genetic information in cells. It bends around buildings and squeezes through pinholes, but ricochets off tiny electrons.
Filed under: english
29 Juli
The human body literally glows, emitting a visible light in extremely small quantities at levels that rise and fall with the day, scientists now reveal.
Filed under: english
29 Juli
ATLANTA, Ga., July 24, 2009 – A small green beetle may have unlocked photonic secrets that have applications in optics and liquid crystal displays.
viaBeetle Bares Photonic Secrets (photonics.com | Jul 2009 | News and Features).
Filed under: english
28 Juli
Scientists at Purdue University (West Lafayette, IN) have published details of a new gyromagnetic imaging technique that exploits the light scatter from rotating gold nanoparticles to suppress the background noise associated with optical interrogations of biological tissue.
Filed under: english
28 Juli
Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Colorado, have shown how electron–hole exchange interactions in quantum dots depend on the size of the semiconductor material that the dots are made of. The result not only sheds light on the origin of such interactions but also suggests that the optical properties of nanoparticles might be manipulated by simply changing their size as well as their composition.
Filed under: english