Ein Konsensus-Papier zur Frage, in wieweit Sonnenlicht für die Gesundheit des Menschen erforderlich ist. Der Volltext in Englisch kann als PDF heruntergeladen werden.
Press release in English: Click HERE
Quelle: Sunlight and Vitamin D: Necessary for Public Health – Journal of the American College of Nutrition –
Human Skin: Naked, Sweaty, Colourful & Decorated by professor Nina Jablonski on Vimeo on Vimeo
via Human Skin: Naked, Sweaty, Colourful & Decorated by professor Nina Jablonski on Vimeo.
„The distinguished professor of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State University gives a wonderful lecture on the evolution of skin colour throughout the ages. Filmed at Corrigan Hall, Royal College of Physicians, Dublin, 19th March 2013.“
NooViu: Vitamin D Sun Timer app for iPhone.
Dies ist eine App, die zu der Sommerakademie 2011 gepasst hätte!
Auf jeden Fall empfiehlt sie sich für 2012. Und sie passt zu Vitamin D.
Sehr informativ, allerdings in Englisch.
Es handelt sich um ein digitales Sonnen-Tagebuch für mehrere Personen mit Eingabemöglichkeiten für den Hauttyp, den UV-Index und vieles mehr. Eine Timerfunktion mit wählbarem Alarm stellt sicher, dass die Dosis stimmt. Solarienbesuche können ebenfalls eingetragen werden. Weblinks, Bücherempfehlungen über Vitamin D, UV- und Sonnenlicht sowie eine Fülle von weiteren Ressourcen runden das Bild ab!
Einen Vitamin D-Rechner für iOS gibt es z.B. hier (nur Kinder, Englisch):
Sunlight Robbery – Health Research Forum.
Health benefits of sunlight are denied by current public health policy in the UK
By Oliver Gillie

Study Explores Link Between Sunlight, Multiple Sclerosis.
Newswise — For more than 30 years, scientists have known that multiple sclerosis (MS) is much more common in higher latitudes than in the tropics. Because sunlight is more abundant near the equator, many researchers have wondered if the high levels of vitamin D engendered by sunlight could explain this unusual pattern of prevalence.
Solar spectrum.

A high resolution version of the spectrum of our Sun, this image was created from a digital atlas observed with the Fourier Transform Spectrometer at the McMath-Pierce Solar Facility at Kitt Peak National Observatory, near Tucson, Arizona (`Solar Flux Atlas from 296 to 1300 nm‘ by Robert L. Kurucz, Ingemar Furenlid, James Brault, and Larry Testerman: National Solar Observatory Atlas No. 1, June 1984.).
The images shown here were created to mimic an echelle spectrum, with wavelength increasing from left to right along each strip, and from bottom to top. Each of the 50 slices covers 60 angstroms, for a complete spectrum across the visual range from 4000 to 7000 angstroms.
The Sun is a G2 star, and this image covers the same wavelength range in the same format as the spectrum of Procyon, type F5, and the spectrum of Arcturus, type K1 (or K2). Note: NSO/Kitt Peak FTS data used here were produced by NSF/NOAO. (Note for interested users: because this was made from digital data, we can create any size or shape on request, but please give us plenty of time. The images here have the correct aspect ratio for a 35mm slide. We do however have a square version available immediately.)
Minimum credit line: N.A.Sharp, NOAO/NSO/Kitt Peak FTS/AURA/NSF (for details see Conditions of Use)