20 Jan.
Light Bends Glass | Physical Review Focus
Author: wunschartFiled under: english
13 Jan.
Hormones Part III: Optimal Levels of Cortisol, Insulin and Thyroid are Essential to Vibrant Health: „Cortisol secretion is promoted by the presence of even the tiniest bit of light. This is why it is so important to sleep in a room that is completely dark with no alarm clock glowing in the dark. Researchers did a study of one hundred subjects who were placed in a completely dark room with the exception of a pin point of light on the back of their knees. Cortisol levels rose in each subject as a result.“
Filed under: english
13 Jan.
Filed under: english
11 Jan.
Filed under: english
6 Jan.
ARD Mediathek
Hier ist der kritische ARD-Beitrag vom 05.01.2009 zum Glühlampenverbot der EU als Video!
6 Jan.
Pressemitteilung: EU-Glühbirnenverbot | report MÜNCHEN | Das Erste | BR
Sinnlos und gefährlich – Mediziner und Klimaforscher warnen vor EU-Glühlampenverbot.