Archive for Dezember, 2005

Three photons make tiny shapes (December 2005) – News –

„The first three-dimensional structures to be fabricated by three-photon polymerization are unveiled.“ – Ein Schal für jedes Outfit: „Ein neuer Schal kann seine Farbe wie ein Chamäleon an das Outfit seines Trägers anpassen“

Laser vibrometry checks heartbeat (December 2005) – News – „An optical technique that provides accurate, non-contact monitoring of the heart is being trialled in Italy with very promising results. Based on Laser Doppler Vibrometry (LDV), the approach offers several advantages over electrocardiograpy, the conventional analysis scheme.“

Infrared detector expert sees rapid market growth (December 2005) – Opto & Laser Europe – „XenICs of Belgium is developing a new breed of compact and uncooled infrared cameras based on compound semiconductor detectors. „

Photonic crystals brighten up LEDs (November 2005) – News – „Researchers boost the output of blue LEDs by using laser holography to create an array of air holes within the device.“

Applied Optics

Applied Optics

An electro-optic device mounted on a slit lamp to assess the degree of polarization of a light beam that has double passed through the retina about the optic-nerve head in the living human eye is described.