24 Juli
Laser (and LED) Therapy Is Phototherapy
Author: wunschartFiled under: allgemein
22 Juli
Researchers in Germany believe that the ability of some biomaterials to guide light is due to light scattering, and not fiber-optic effects as previously thought.
Filed under: allgemein
2 Juli
Architectural Lighting | LRC Newsroom
Does architechtural lighting impact breast cancer?
Recent scientific studies claim to demonstrate a link between architectural lighting and cancer growth. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Lighting Research Center (LRC) has organized a panel discussion with leading epidemiologists and lighting scientists to discuss whether architectural lighting has an impact on the incidence of breast cancer and cancer growth.
On Monday, April 17, 2006, the LRC held a panel discussion on this important topic.
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Filed under: allgemein