AT5 – Alexander Wunsch – The Oscillatory Body: Human Physiology and Electromagnetism on Vimeo
AT5 – Alexander Wunsch – The Oscillatory Body: Human Physiology and Electromagnetism on Vimeo on Vimeo
Alexander Wunsch is physician, inventor, researcher and teacher in the field of holistic medicine and photobiology. In his private medical practice in Heidelberg, he uses the Spectro-Chrome chromotherapy system in combination with electromagnetic fields and body sound application, Cranio-Sacral bodywork, Acupunture and Luscher Color Diagnostic. His research focuses on light effects on cellular level, photoendocrinology and toxic light effects caused by artificil light sources. He developed a number of devices for electromagnetic medicine, chromotherapy and electromagnetic environment testing. Alexander Wunsch holds a lectureship for “Light & Health” at the University of Technology, Business and Design in Wismar (Germany) and is the CEO of Medical Light Consulting in Heidelberg.
via AT5 – Alexander Wunsch – The Oscillatory Body: Human Physiology and Electromagnetism on Vimeo.