Archive for August, 2009

Die Tage der herkömmlichen Glühbirne sind gezählt. Doch viele Deutsche wollen sich mit dem Glühbirnenverbot der Europäischen Union nicht abfinden. Der Protest formiert sich im Internet: Hier finden Elektrosmog-Geängstigte, Ärzte und Lichtdesigner im Widerstand gegen das Brüsseler Diktat zusammen

viaEnergie: Deutsche kämpfen gegen das Glühbirnen-Verbot – Nachrichten Wirtschaft – WELT ONLINE.

Österreichischen Forschern ist ein Aufsehen erregender Durchbruch in der Quantenphysik gelungen: Erstmals konnten sie mechanische und optische Systeme verbinden und ein mechanisches Objekt mithilfe von Licht bewegen. Das ist ein wichtiger Schritt auf dem Weg zu einem Quantencomputer.

viaPhysikalische Sensation: Forscher bewegen erstmals Materie mit Licht – Nachrichten Wissenschaft – WELT ONLINE.

„In the nature versus nurture debate, scientists often talk about genetics versus environmental factors in health. One environmental factor that has been getting a lot of attention lately is Vitamin D- and with good reason. Vitamin D is turning out to be a major influence in heart disease, cancer, diabetes and many other health problems. But Vitamin D is even MORE vital than was previously thought. New research is showing that even our Pre-Birth vitamin d levels are an important determinant of our future health.“

Pre-Birth Vitamin D Levels Determine Your Health for Life.

Researchers at the University of Washington have been able to illuminate brain tumors by injecting fluorescent nanoparticles into the bloodstream that safely cross the blood-brain barrier — an almost impenetrable barrier that protects the brain from infection. The nanoparticles remained in mouse tumors for up to five days and did not show any evidence of damaging the blood-brain barrier, according to results published this week in the journal Cancer Research. | Nanoparticles cross blood-brain barrier to enable ‚brain tumor painting‘ | University of Washington News and Information.

Vitamin D has long been known to assist healthy bones by helping to stimulate bone cells to make new bone while enhancing the uptake of calcium into bones.  Its role in boosting immunity, hormone regulation, brain health, metabolism, diabetes prevention, cancer prevention, and cardiovascular health are just now becoming clear.  The sunshine vitamin appears poised to claim its crown.

All your body organs and cells have receptors for vitamin D, meaning that vitamin D communicates all around your body.  Your cells use vitamin D to directly regulate your genes, making it one of the most powerful compounds in human health.  In fact, one study with 2100 female twins showed that having adequate vitamin D extends life by five years.  This is because vitamin D prevents excessive wear and tear to the telomers that are attached to the ends of your chromosomes that enable cell division (determining potential cell lifespan).  This is truly a new era of nutritional science.

Vitamin D – A Gene-Regulating Super Nutrient | Health Tips.

It’s official: Vitamin D deficiency is so widespread in U.S. children that it poses a huge threat to the future health of an entire generation. A new study published in the journal Pediatrics paints a disturbing picture of vitamin D deficiency across the population of children aged 1 through 21. Three-fourths of young African American children, for example, are deficient in vitamin D. Much the same pattern holds true for Mexican American children. Even white kids, with their fairer skin and greater vitamin D production, hit the charts with 50% – 60% deficiency, depending on the age group.

Vitamin D Deficiency Reveals an Instant Health Care Reform Solution by Mike Adams the Health Ranger.

An international collaboration claims to have made the first tuneable nanoscale light source that is driven by free electrons. Light is created by directing a beam of electrons through a tiny aperture that has been drilled into a stack of alternating gold and silicon-dioxide layers. Interaction between the electron beam and the alternating layers generates visible and infrared light emission.

viaNanoscale light source can change its colour –

Finches instinctively avoid competitors coloured red, rather than learning to fear the colour during their upbringing, Australian research concludes.

viaBirds born to fear red : Nature News.

(NaturalNews) A nutrient found in grapes, green tea and cocoa could have a significant impact on the brain cell damage that leads to Alzheimer’s disease, according to the results of a new study carried out by scientists at Kings College, London (UK).

viaVitamin D, Green Tea and Cocoa Help Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease.