Posts Tagged ‘incandescent’

Phase-out of inefficient lamps postponed to 1 September 2018 – Energy

Quelle: Phase-out of inefficient lamps postponed to 1 September 2018 – European Commission

Time is running out! Make sure to reinforce your supply chain and to put sufficient amounts of halogen lamps on stock…

Energy efficiency is just a matter of definition: If you only look at the visible parts, calculations may be correct. If you take biologically relevant parts into account as well (even if they are invisible, such as IR-A/NIR), results may appear significantly different…

Light Bulb Clarity: New Electric Politics.

It´s all about  THE LIGHT BULB BAN.

Interesting page for those who look for facts, background information and data in English.

kilokat’s ANTIQUE LIGHT BULB site.

It´s all about incandescent lamps!

Beehive – Light bulb ban ended: